Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities: The umbrella term “developmental disability” means a pervasive, lifelong disability attributed to a mental/cognitive or physical impairment or combination of mental and physical impairments diagnosed or that become obvious before the age of 22. In North Carolina, individuals diagnosed with a TBI (traumatic brain injury) may also be eligible for I/DD services. Examples of developmental disabilities include intellectual disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Down syndrome, and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

Medicaid: Medicaid provides health coverage to millions of North Carolinians, including eligible low-income adults, children, people who are pregnant, aging adults and people with disabilities.

Medicaid Expansion: This refers to the expansion of Medicaid services to cover more low-income individuals in the “coverage gap”. North Carolina is only one of 12 states who have not expanded Medicaid.

Medicaid Transformation: The North Carolina General Assembly established two types of health plans for Medicaid recipients: Standard Plans for the largest portion of Medicaid recipients; and Tailored Plans for people with I/DD and other conditions who have the need for more intense, or “tailored” services and supports.

NC Medicaid Innovations Waiver: The NC Innovations Waiver (formerly known as “CAP”) includes federally funded services designed to meet the needs of Individuals with I/DD who prefer to get long-term care services and supports in their home or community.

RUN –  The Registry of Unmet Needs: A Registry, or wait list, for individuals who are eligible for the NC Medicaid Innovations Waiver. Those on the Registry may or may not have Medicaid.

LME-MCO: Licensed Management Entities – Management Care Organizations. Six LME-MCOs now manage services and supports for NC Medicaid beneficiaries who receive care for developmental disabilities, substance use disorders, or severe and persistent mental illness.

1915(i): Home & community-based, entitlement services for those on Medicaid. In December 2022, many b3 services currently available for those on the Registry will be replaced by 1915(i) services.

HCBS: Home and Community-Based Services. Disability services received in the community rather than an institutional setting. These services include housing, employment, professional caregivers, and therapies. The ability for those with I/DD to live more independently in their communities is currently impacted by the DSP (Direct Support Providers) workforce crisis, affordable housing, and many other factors. DSPs help support those with IDD in their daily lives. DSPs help people become integrated and engaged in their community. They aim to assist people in realizing their full potential.

Olmstead is the most important U.S. Supreme Court case for people with disabilities. Olmstead was based on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Olmstead says people with disabilities have the right to live in the community. It says that people do not have to live or receive services in an institution, nursing home or any other setting separated from others without disabilities to get the services they need. Those services should also be provided in the community.