Click on the above round sticker to find out more information about the I/DD Caucus. Also, please check out our new videos that speak to our three areas of priority for our Meet The Need NC initiative this year: Innovations Waiver Waitlist, Direct Care/Direct Support Professionals (DSPs), and Medicaid. NEW!
These videos are made possible through funding by the NC Council on Developmental Disabilities!
LAND is the “Backbone” of Meet The Need NC, a collective impact initiative
LAND, an advocacy group comprised of self-advocates and family advocates, guides the initiative.
Follow along on the Innovations Waiver Pathway to learn the basics about how you can prepare to get services for you or a family member who has an intellectual or other developmental disability (I/DD) and what to expect as you go through the process.
Direct Care/Direct Support Professionals (DSPs): Cheryl Powell